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  • Writer's pictureMariaan Smit

Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Collaborating with an Assigned Editor

I had so many thoughts about what the journey of being an author behind novels would be like. Somehow, I never imagined teamwork as one of the main factors at play.

Working as a freelance ghostwriter for an online company has taught me a lot, particularly about the teamwork involved in creating a novel. Not only do you collaborate with your client, but you also need to collaborate with an editor who has the power to review and change your writing. Writing a book can feel very personal, and it’s easy to become too emotionally attached. In ghostwriting, feedback and critique are part of the process. Luckily, with a growth mindset, you can learn to put your mind above your heart when it comes to the judgment aspect of the projects.

Clients hold the power to choose the editor just as they chose the writer.

Maybe it was the monster in the back of my mind, the one we all have, that keeps taunting us that we're not good enough, that made me so afraid to be judged for my creativity.

Alas, as ghostwriters you have to climb this mountain to successfully finish a book. To be judged is after all, just another gateway to becoming a better writer. Some editors mainly focus on grammar, spelling, and rephrasing. Some have a bigger role and need to contribute to the plot of the book where they see fit.

Try to appreciate the wisdom of your editor; after all, they might have been an editor way longer than you a writer.

All parties involve share the same goal: creating a great book. In my opinion, having an editor involved in the entire process, from the plot outline to the final chapter, is essential for the best results.

Give your editor space and time to do their thing. If it seems like your editor does not like your story, know they are doing their job well. You want someone on your team that has a keen eye and pays attention to all the detail. Critique is not a personal attack, it's an opportunity for growth.

Collaboration as a ghostwriting can and should be a great experience that benefits all the parties involved. I no longer dread the experience of collaboration; I love teamwork. It truly makes the dream work.

All that is needed is good communication, kindness, and honesty.

I value an editor’s opinion just as much as the client’s, as they provide a much-needed, fresh perspective to the mix. Don’t get so stuck in your own ways that you end up standing in the way of your own success.

When it comes to writing a novel, especially ghostwriting, it's important to let go of control and just do the best you can as the writer. Teamwork is such a great tool for creativity to flourish, especially with respect and honesty.

Check out my tips and tricks for dealing with writer's block.



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