Writer's block is very common and not at all something to fear. I believe this is a topic many writers can relate to, and it might even resonate with potential clients who wish they could express their thoughts effortlessly. If only they had the time to articulate their ideas without needing to hire a writer!
Writer's block is characterized by a temporary inability to produce new work or a lack of inspiration and creativity.
It comes in different forms and unfortunately when you do not have the time for it. It is most hazardous when it comes at the start of a project and you just feel lost. It could seem like the end, even though you have just begun. No words seem right, and you find yourself deleting a sentence before you even finish it. Then there is the writers block that kicks in close to the end of a book. Anxiety and the fear of success could be significant triggers. Do not let imposter syndrome sabotage your hard work, you got this.
Writer's block is normal and just as much a part of the process as writing the perfect sentence.
Writer's block should not be able to destabilize you or throw you off course; do not give it the power to make you give up.
Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block
Let it Be - I know that sounds cliché, but really, if you can’t find the words, just get away from your desk and come back later. This can be hard to do, especially when a deadline is looming. You need to give yourself some grace; you cannot be 100% all the time, and that is ok. Let it be, let it be, let it be. Are you singing that? Because singing also decreases stress levels. Wink. Wink. If you come back to your desk after taking a breather, however long needed, you will most likely have the mental clarity to get into the flow of writing again.
Routine and Environment - I am also not one that likes to follow one routine every day, but in cases like these, when you have a big project to finish, routine is crucial. Get a routine that works perfectly for you; each to their own. Have you ever watched a movie where the main character is a writer? These films often depict fascinating, chaotic lives filled with travel and adventure. Whenever inspiration strikes, out comes the laptop, ready to capture the next brilliant idea.
In real life, that might not be the case. To successfully kick writer's block’s ass, some consistency and discipline will be needed. Sure, to travel the world and still work is one of the perks of being a writer, but know your limits. A walk in the park with your furry friend might be just the thing you need to make the blues of writer's block evaporate.
Embracing Regular Pauses and Deep Breathing - If you like to write, write, write like a maniac for hours until you are exhausted. You have probably realized that this often results in completing loads of work just to get stuck again. This often leads to burnout, which then turns into writer's block, and so the cycle continues. Take regular breaks, and don’t forget to prioritize some exercise too. Moving your body frequently is so good, not just for your body but mostly for your mind. Stress is a big culprit behind writer's block. Physical activity reduces stress hormones and boosts endorphin production, which can really lift your mood.
Exercise can enhance creativity and improve problem-solving skills.
Do an exercise that makes you feel good, like yoga or dancing; whatever helps boost your mood will definitely help with conquering the block.
Exploring New Creative Avenues - Creativity is a dam that never dries up, and when you truly believe this, you have already conquered any potential obstacle coming your way.
Even if you enjoy creative writing, consider stepping away from your computer to explore a different creative outlet.
Painting is something you can do that will help you get back into the flow of creativity. Don’t overthink it; just splash colors on a canvas and call it fun. This is just one example of many creative things you can do for just the fun of it. By expressing creatively in all sorts of ways, you'll tap back into that unlimited pool of creative energy inside you.
Soon you'll discover that writer's block just doesn't stand a chance against your inner fire
Writer's block can be a mask for underlying anxiety. You are the only one that can truly stand in the way of your success.
You can do anything you put your mind to. Learn to trust yourself, and forgive yourself for not being perfect, and so life will slowly become less dramatic and way more fun.
If you're struggling with performance anxiety, this blog will guide you back to your happy place.