Mariaan Smit
4 min read
Dare to Dream: Embrace the Audacity to Live the Life You Desire
Swallow your pride, let go of your fears, and take that leap. Don’t allow the fear of rejection to hold you back.

Mariaan Smit
3 min read
Move Your Body and Release Stuckness
Being present in your body should be fun and enjoyable, not just a source of discomfort from lack of movement or strain from over-exercise.

Mariaan Smit
4 min read
Unlocking Your Writing Potential: The Power of Visualization Techniques
Visualization meditation can enhance your writing by deepening your emotional connection with your characters and developing the world.

Mariaan Smit
4 min read
Is Money the Only Thing That Makes the World Go Round?
Our thoughts, our actions, and what we spend our time on collectively, makes the world go round. Time is the only true commodity.